We are experts, we can help
19+ years of experience, 25+ customers worldwide, 500+ trained professionals from 16 countries.
CaboLabs helps companies and organizations to build, assess, buy, improve, audit and integrate Health Information Systems. We provide a wide range of services. including: software architecture, service layers/API and information model design, system/data integration design and implementation, and of course we can help with standards like HL7 (HL7 v2.x, CDA, FHIR), openEHR, DICOM, LOINC, and SNOMED CT.
Our courses enabled hundreds of students and professionals around the world to gain deep technical, conceptual understanding and practical experience on health information systems, standards and interoperability. We provide a regular program of courses and workshops, focused on EHR design, clinical databases, technology, standards and interoperability, offered in Spanish and English.
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