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19+ years of experience, 25+ customers worldwide, 500+ trained professionals from 16 countries.

Hospital Information Systems Architecture

HIS Architecture should be the first step on every informatization project. This is like building a house, we need blueprints and specification of the whole project before starting building.

In software terms, these blueprints will be available in the long term to be able to maintaint the systems working together even if changes should be done because of new requirements. The same happens with a house, when we fix problems, do home improvement or expansions, we need the architecture specification as a reference, and then the specification gets updated. Undefined or uncontrolled architectures lead to high costs of maintainability, high error rates, vendor lock-in and huge dependency on specific people and technologies.

At CaboLabs we designed a reference architectural model for Hospital Information Systems, that allows to create specific architectures easily, with a great level of standardization, and is based on architecture design best practices. If you have a project and need help with the first steps of the design, we can help by analyzing your specific requiresments, modeling different components according the reference architectural model, and deliver a full specification.

We can also map that conceptual design to a specific solutions and technologies. This is called Implementation Technology Specification (ITS). Also, we can estimate the integration gaps, since some of the providers that you have in mind might not provide standard ways of integrating theirs systems with other components of your architecture, and that should be considered on the design phase of the project, before any development or implementation happens.

Our approach leads to better, simpler, and more maintainable systems in the long term, and helps to manage changes to the architecture when needed.

Parts of the Software Achitecture Design

We offer software design services on different levels:

  • Conceptual Architecture Design (abstract, high level, complete view)
  • Information Model Design (conceptual design of all the information)
  • Interface and API Design (inter-component interactions, services offered to the outer world)
  • Database Design (mapping information models to specific database technologies)
  • Deployment Design (mapping architecture designs to specific technologies and solutions)
  • Implementation Gap Analysis (plan to go from specific technologies to the desired architecture)
  • Integration Gap Analysis (what is needed to make the selected technologies work together)

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