We are experts, we can help

19+ years of experience, 25+ customers worldwide, 500+ trained professionals from 16 countries.

Implementation of standards

There are many standards that solve complex problems in health information systems, and help to improve health care quality by allowing better clinical decision support, clinical and population management.

But not all standards have the same purpose, most are complementary with each other and solve very different problems. The issue we see is most software providers and dev teams from health care institutions don't know the purpose of each standard, where each standard should be applied, and how.

We provide services related to training on standards, consultancy for projects to help you choose the right standards for the right tasks, and coaching to support you and your team through the development, implementation and integration processes.

Some of the standards we can help you with

  • openEHR
  • HL7
    • HL7 v2.x
    • HL7 CDA
    • HL7 FHIR

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